开天辟地 - 陈建坡篆刻集 Chinese Seal Carving by Tan Kian Por

Official book launch and opening ceremony of Tan Kian Por Chinese Seal Carving Exhibition
Most of the 108 works in this exhibition were completed in 2013, where I carved a total of over a hundred pieces. All these seals made use of the coloured rocks from the Southern hills in Kluang, Malaysia. As these new rocks bring about a fresh feel, I often use my discretion to modify them according to their unique qualities. My attempts result in many unregulated forms that materialise my creative concepts of miniature sculptures. Because of the satisfactory outcomes derived from these rocks, I frequently took pains to purchase rocks from Kluang. Looking back, it really felt like a fervent passion

This series here focuses mainly on the shell-and-bone as well as bird-worm seal characters, a diversion from my earlier works. I made it a point to coordinate the characters with the irregularities of the new rocks, aimed at expressing my personal interpretation of the bird-worm seal character. A frameless approach was taken in the process of creation, in order to bring out a more extensive presentation of a higher state of mind.

Normally I would choose to use ancient poetry for inscriptions. These timeless quotes which show an open and gallant attitude call out to and enlighten me. In the past year, I made an acquaintance of poet Tan Xi Zhe on Facebook. Her poetry which possess a fresh and creative style, filled with imaginative philosophical thoughts impressed me deeply and I have chosen some preferred ones to be inscribed on my seals. With this, I hope to pay more attention to excellent local works and make a point to show more support for our local cultural identity. As creation is invaluable to art, this series aims to highlight three points: one, innovation in the use of carving materials; two, a further pursuit beyond the physical seal and three, a heightened attention on local identity in seal inscriptions. After much consideration, I decided to name this exhibition 'The opening: New Heaven, Changed Earth', as proof of my determination for change.
