秦汉遗风 - 章群篆刻展 Chinese Seal Carving By Zhang Qun. Exhibition Opening - 05 Jan 2019

秦汉遗风 - 章群篆刻展
谨订于 二零一九年一月五日「星期六」下午三时
假 二三一培英街百胜楼「书城」二楼八十九号 三画廊 举行
恭请 啸涛篆刻书画会荣誉会长 曾纪策先生主持开幕仪式
敬备茶点 恭候光临 章群 三画廊 敬约
展出日期 一月五日至一月十九日
时间 星期一至星期六 上午十一时至下午六时半 星期日 中午十二时至下午六时
章群 上海
章群 漱石齋主 1946年11月生於上海
Chinese Seal Carving by Zhang Qun
Official Opening Ceremony
Date: 05 Jan 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 3pm
Guest of Honour: Mr Tan Kee Sek - Honorary President of Siaw-Tao Chinese Seal-Carving Calligraphy & Painting Society
Venue: Art Gallery 3 - 231 Bain Street, #02-89, Bras Basah Complex Singapore 180231
Tel: 6333 4283
Exhibition will be held from: 05 Jan - 19 Jan 2019
Time: Mon to Sat 11am - 6.30pm / Sun 12pm - 6pm
Zhang Qun Shanghai
Owner of Shushi Studio. He was born in November 1946, and began learning seal carving as well as painting in 1962 through self-study. In 2009 he was bestowed the honor of “Master of Calligraphy-Related Items and Seals” by China National Industry Council. Zhang’s publications include “Collection of Postage Stamps Featuring Seal-Carving Art by Zhang Qun”. He was also editor-in-chief for “Sole Copy of Seal Carving Works of Wu Rangzhi by Studio of Four Knowledge” and “Ten Artists: The Big Apple of America”.

Chinese Seal Carving by Zhang Qun
Exhibition Opening Ceremony (05 Jan 2019)
