涛啸云涌-陈建坡遗作展 Crashing Waves, Billowing Clouds - A Tribute to Tan Kian Por. 14 Apr - 05 May 2021

Crashing Waves, Billowing Clouds - A Tribute to Tan Kian Por
Date: 14 Apr - 05 May 2021
Time: 11am - 7pm
Venue: NAFA Campus 1, Lim Hak Tai Gallery. 80 Bencoolen Street, Singapore 189655
Free Admission
(Closed every Monday and Public Holiday)
For those who could not make it, not to fret. NAFA did an amazing job and created a 3D virtual tour for the exhibition. So now you can virtually be there. Enjoy and have fun. https://360.theredmarker.com/F1W.../32822568p&357.85h&90.00t
For more details. https://www.nafa.edu.sg/.../crashing-waves-billowing...